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Your Ideal Source for Staffing Solutions

Senior IP Docketing Analyst

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My client, a prestigious global law firm, is seeking one IP Docketing Analyst with strong patent and trademark prosecution experience in its DC office. Duties include, but are not limited to, receiving, analyzing and processing incoming patent and trademark mail; daily docketing, de-docketing and re-docketing of U.S. and Foreign due dates; review of PTO filings; and backup to other Docket Analysts and Senior Patent/Trademark Services Manager. Candidates should have 5+ years of U.S. and Foreign patent and trademark docketing experience. Candidates should also have knowledge of the rules according to 37 C.F.R., MPEP, TMEP, TTAB rules and regulations, PCT rules and regulations, Madrid Protocol and Agreement rules, and other various foreign countries as well as knowledge of and experience with a computerized patent and trademark database system; knowledge of Inprotech a plus.



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